The Utilities sector has undergone several structural and regulatory changes in recent years, which have placed companies facing the need to find new management methods in order to offer services capable of responding to the quality standards established by the Authority for Energy and to user expectations.
For companies that offer public services, in which you cannot compete on the product and on prices, it is necessary to focus everything on the quality of the service and the relationship with the customer. This implies an internal effort to make the company organization more efficient and to create rewarding contact channels that can make a difference.
Digital transformation therefore becomes mandatory in order to retain old customers and acquire new ones.
Customers have gone digital, they are Digital Customers, and therefore they are not limited to traditional channels.
When it comes to interacting with companies, they expect a multi-channel service, which allows them to choose the mode of interaction that best suits their needs each time. Hence, the new digital channels and related technologies acquire considerable importance.
The AMC company, a municipal company with offices in Casale and Valenza in the province of Alessandria, has taken up this challenge for some time, adopting the Kiosk Hydra solution for managing queues and users waiting for service.
With the adoption of Kiosk Hydra Live, the company has taken a further step forward in the centralized management of skills and in the efficiency of internal resources.
Kiosk Hydra Live is the software platform that allows a customer who goes to Valenza to communicate with an operator located in Casale Monferrato. The platform takes care of diverting requests to the first free operator with profiled skills suited to the customer’s requests.
At the hardware level, the Kiosk video desk installed in the Valenza office consists of a 24 ”touchscreen workstation equipped with a webcam and microphone.
For the customer, just touch a touch display to get in touch with the specialist.
Thanks to Kiosk Hydra Live today AMC optimizes human resources, avoiding opening new branches but keeping the level of customer care unchanged.
Would you like to know more?The advanced Kiosk solutions for digital self-service are strong strategic levers to offer omnichannel services to its customers, maintaining satisfaction and reducing service costs. Talk to our account. |
Would you like to know more?The advanced Kiosk solutions for digital self-service are strong strategic levers to offer omnichannel services to its customers, maintaining satisfaction and reducing service costs. Talk to our account.